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The Space Shuttle made its debut in 1981 as the U.S. launch vehicle for human spaceflight in Earth orbit. During its design, construction, and early operation, the Space Shuttle was intended to be an economical replacement for expendable launch vehicles that are used only once. It is the world's first re-flyable spacecraft.

The Space Shuttle was developed for a variety of purposes: satellite delivery and retrieval, orbital servicing, round-trip service for science instruments, and laboratory research in space. The military, commercial, and scientific communities have used the Shuttle for their projects in space.

Shuttle landing Shuttle landing Shuttle landing
181 k jpeg
NASA#: 95-HC-82
136 k jpeg
NASA#: 95-HC-685
80 k jpeg
NASA#: 81-HC-937

Space shuttle launch
NASA#: 84-HC-568

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